Yamaha Moto Cage Six - King of X-Games Circus

the-yamaha-cage-six-2Yamaha XJ6-based, this is big burly motorcycle occupants circus arena. Leaping like leopards are his skills. What appears on the Yamaha CAGE six is not a naked bike concept ordinary. This is a form of reincarnation Yamaha XJ6 designed purely for stunting. The goal is clear, namely that the CAGE better able to show great talent in playing the circus at the X-Games.

CAGE appeared dressed in Intermot exhibition, in Koln, Germany, last October. The framework emphasizes that dim yellow hard muscular bike is worth the attention. With sleek pieces, CAGE also looks sexy. Even in his tuck too typical elements belonging Yamaha Tenere motorcycle touring and also Super Tenere great when flying and landing.

Unlike the basic model, XJ6, CAGE has been equipped with large rear sprocket gear specials that allow torque channeled energy from low rpm to the top. Through setting the CAGE easily perform short maneuvers, while leaping like a leopard. Adds ability, CAGE also installed rear swing arm constructed strong, low saddle, frame protector machinery, and convenient footrests. Through modification of it, of course, Yamaha Cage Six able to anesthetize the enthusiast young freestyler dreams.
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